bar solder 60/40

Bar solder 60/40

bar solder 60/40

Bar solder is one of the important raw materials for electronic manufacturing. Generally when you do a dip soldering for small project or use wave soldering technology for mass production, bar solders will be used rather than solder wire. The bar solders will be molten in solder pot and stay in a liquid status. Bar solder 60/40 is one alloy of the tin lead bar solder, that is consisted of 60% tin and 40% lead. Make sure you don't confuse them with the bar solder Sn40Pb60. 

What will bar solder 60/40 be used for?

1. The bar solder 60/40 is used for soldering of electronic components. This is the most common use of bar solder. The bar solder 60/40 has lower melting point comparing to lead free solder thus it requires less heat to work with, it will be easy to work with. While the fluidity is good, easy to flow and bond the joint. It forms bright and smooth solder joint.

2. Bar solder 60/40 is also commonly used for soldering of metals. For example, it is used by plumbers to solder copper pipes and fittings, it's used by stain glass worker to assemble the stained glass, it's used for soldering seaming system of copper roofing etc.


Make sure that when you use the bar solder, a compatible flux must be used, as the bar solder doesn't contain any flux. And when you do dip soldering, due to it's manual operation, make sure you clean the dross of the solder pot properly every time before you dip the wires or components into the pot.


Contact us if you need to import bar solder 60/40. Email: ; or Whatsapp/Wechat: 008613450770997 


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